Saturday, 25 May 2013

Learning disabilities dose not mean your stupid

 Bright teenager gains highest English A-level in the country despite predictions she would fail after doctors diagnosed her with dyspraxiaHer neurological disorder affects planning of movements and co-ordination as a result of brain messages not being accurately transmitted to the body.

Frederica Drewer, 18, had been expecting to get
a D in her exam, until she was allowed to use her laptop. Frederica had struggled to express herself when writing and was allowed to use her laptop in one of her English A-Level exams. She sat the paper in January and scored 99.5 per cent - which was the top mark in the entire country.

Frederica did so well that exam board AQA has now asked if they can use her paper as an example to students nationwide. The exam module paper makes up part of her English A-Level course. Although Frederica was originally predicted to get a D, she is now tipped to get an A*

Frederica was diagnosed with dsypraxia last year after her English teacher, Tony Lansdowne, raised concerns about her losing valuable marks for her messy handwriting.

There have been many people that have over come there difficulties such as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Orlando Bloom, Tom Cruise and Keira Knightley.

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