The tweet, posted by user @EmmaWay20, read: 'Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier - I have right of way he doesn't even pay road tax! #bloodycyclists'
The boast was posted in Norwich on Sunday but the tweet, and the account, has since been removed. Freelance chef Toby Hockley later came forward saying he was the cyclist involved in the crash.
The 29-year-old said he was on a narrow country lane taking part in the 100-mile Boudicca Sportive ride when the accident happened.
'A car came tearing round the blind corner and narrowly missed a cyclist in front of me,' he said. 'She came on to my side of the road, I took the wing mirror off and I went flying off my bike into a hedge. 'She hit me hard, really hard. I am lucky to be alive. The car was nowhere to be seen. She hit me and she was gone.
'All I know is that it was a blonde girl driving.' A short time later the tweet appeared and was quickly snapped by other users who alerted police.
Toby Hockley, 29, came forward as the cyclist involved in the collision and said he was 'lucky to be alive' following the crash Norfolk Police tweeted @EmmayWay20 directly, stating: 'We have had tweets ref an RTC with a bike.
'We suggest you report it at a police station ASAP if not done already and then dm us.'
The force later added: 'Thank you to all those that have forwarded tweets on a bike RTC. We have the info we need and are making further enqs.'
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