Hearing that hmv is closing down made me think that if there is anywhere in the high street that I am able to buy my music and films from. It also made me think that the modern high street is now just filled with cafe's and major clothing brands. This is the soul reason that I go into the high street is to go into a record shop and buy a physical disk of information which will play music when played on a "CD" player.
I never liked getting MP3's because they never give me the satisfaction in sound quality and has a good chance that it would become corrupted sooner or later. I don't like buying thing online because I am never sure on what the web-sight is doing with my information, even if I have used them before, I am very cautious. Even then you have to wait around for the CD to come though the post which can take up to a week for it to come though.
I want to buy a CD and wait around to find out that it has been lost in the post and was delivered to the wrong person. Which means that I have to wring up customer service of the company that I have bought the item from, explain to them that I have not received the item that I have ordered. Moan at them for hours that I really don't have the item where they say that I have to buy a new one because they cannot be sure that you don't really have it because they have been told that the item has been delivered on time.
Is this what we really want? I thought that the Internet was meant to make things easier. It makes it harder for the customer to know what they are getting is genuine. Or get a refund because there is no human contact and there is no way that the person on the other end is able to know what has happened after it has left the warehouse.
I just need a good record store that I can just walk into and buy my CD. That's all that I want to do and not have the high street filled with Jeggings and knitted hats which you ware in the middle of summer because you say "It's cool." and "It's called fashion".
No it's not your waring a condom on your head and you have renamed the leggings just give your parents an excuse not to ware a skirt, shorts or that stupid dress that you think makes you look fat. Leggings are supposed to be warn under something else. If you don't ware anything over the top of your leggings, you might as well not ware them at all.
Need more record shops that sold real music!
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