Be more honest my arss! You don't have to be a neroscientist to know that bacon flavoured chrisps dosen't mean that it has bacon in it or ham and mushroom flavoured Pot Noodle have to contain actual ham and mushrooms in it. The hint is in the word flavoured.
Flavoured means to alter or enhance the taste of something. So you could get a icecream that tastes like roast chicken or chewing gum that tastes like ciniman but it dose not have to contain the ingreadient. As long as it alters the taste like the food on the lable.
Nearly all of this information was buried on the back of the packet where shoppers are often too busy to look and that is the problem is that the word 'flavour' is miss understood when the customer dose not read or have the time to read the information on the back of the pacage.
How can food companies put all the nessary information that the customer wants to see on the front of the product and still look apealing enough to buy? There is no way that you can make the package any way to deplay all the information, easy enough for all to understand, and still look good. All that you would end up with is one large lable on every product. There will be no way of destinguse the difference between the each product.
If you are worried about what you are eating then either dont buy it or read the information on the back of the packet. Its not that difficult. There will be times that you will not know what some of the ingreadence are but offten they are just fa
ncy names for something that is harmless.
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